Direct Bus to Lymington Hospital
Get a Direct Bus from Pennington to Lymington Hospital
One of the biggest issues for elderly and disabled residents in Pennington is the lack of a direct bus service to Lymington Hospital. The local Lib Dems, led by Cllr Jack Davies and Cllr Colm McCarthy, are campaigning for a direct bus route between Pennington and Lymington Hospital. Extending the 119 bus to Lymington Hospital, which currently runs between New Milton and Lymington High Street, or the Bluestar 6 to Pennington, which runs between Lymington High Street and Southampton, would provide residents with the direct bus service to Lymington Hospital they need. It is a cost-effective and logical measure which could be done quickly. If you would like to see a direct bus route from Pennington to Lymington Hospital, please sign our petition to the bus company. The more people sign, the more likely it is the bus company will listen to us.